Sunday, March 8, 2009

Obama Starting Today Speech

Obama Starting Today...
To hear President Obama give a speech is to feel inspired by his energy, his ideas, and his ability to excite the masses. This is a snippet from his inauguration speech, a few words that capture the essence of energizing the American spirit.

Come visit for more Obama quotes and graphical designs.


Susan said...

and look what has happened to our country in only 6 months! He is on a mission to destroy it. In His latest comment about how he inherited this "mess" he 'forgets' that his own party had control of Congress since 06. Those that want a Socialist agenda should be thrilled.

Trading Phrases said...

Ah politics. I agree that we're in a mess, and I agree that it's been a long time in coming with culpability on both sides of the aisle.

What I was hoping for, back on that frosty day in January, was that our new leader would be different. He'd focus on transparency and building bridges, and all of that news-centric jargon. I hoped that he'd be able to reach out to people on a more fundamental level and get the country infused with hope. He's done some of that, but he's got a long way to go, and so do we.

My wallet is not looking forward to his plans, however. Big government programs = big spending. Ouch!

So... how about a great Republican quote for our collection? Got anything good? ~Morgan